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Member Appreciation Events

As a Greenbelt member, you help support our land conservation efforts throughout the year. In thanks, we have several special member-only events you are invited to join!

Join or Renew Your Membership

Event registration opens one month prior to each event date. We’ll send you an email with a registration link when it’s time to sign up.

Your Contact Info

Members Brewery Meetup

Outrider Brewery, Amesbury

Wednesday October 2nd, 5 - 7 PM

Join us for a drink and snacks at Outrider Brewery in Amesbury! This is a great opportunity to meet Chris LaPointe, Greenbelt’s new President. RSVP for the event here.

CANCELED: Moss & Liverworts Walk

Tompson Street Reservation, Gloucester

Unfortunately, we had to cancel this walk, but never fear, we are planning another walk later this fall and will send an email out to everyone once we’ve finalized a new date/time and location with another walk leader.

October 20, 2024
10am - Noon 

Take a walk through the woods with a bryologist, Sue Williams, looking closely at mosses and liverworts. Bring magnifying lenses, extras may be available to use.

Questions about membership? Contact Anna Fletcher by email or 978-768-7241 ext. 110

Let our Development Staff Assist You

  • Rachel Horgan
    Director of Development & Community Engagement
    978-768-7241 ext. 122
  • Ann Rose
    Development Manager
    978-768-7241 ext. 113
  • Anna Fletcher
    Donor & Community Engagement Specialist
    978-768-7241 ext. 110